Press Releases / 05.08.2020

Press Release as of 05.08.2020


AK&M Rating Agency assigns Rosseti "A++" national scale sustainable development rating

AK&M Rating Agency has assigned PJSC Rosseti an "A++" sustainable development rating on the national scale, which is adequate to the company's state of sustainable development, with a stable outlook.

The "A++" rating indicates that PJSC Rosseti qualifies as a Russian company with the highest degree of stability. There is no risk of damage to the capabilities of future generations.

This rating is assigned in reliance to the Sustainability Development Credit Rating Methodology for Russian Corporates rev. December 2, 2019.

ROSSETI is Russia's biggest power grid operator with operations covering 80 regions. The company manages 2.37 million km of power lines, 517,000 substations with a transformer capacity of more than 802 GVA. In 2019, net electricity supply to consumers reached 763 billion kWh. In 2019, net electricity supplies to consumers reached 763 billion kWh, ROSSETI's headcount reached 217.5 thousand people. The company's assets include 35 subsidiaries and affiliates, including 15 interregional distribution grid companies, and a bulk electric grid company.

The rating is supported by the company's commitment to sustainable development principles, improvements in reducing air emissions of pollutants, effective interaction of PJSC Rosseti with the regional authorities, high performance of the company's Board of Directors, competence and proficiency of the company's management bodies, and high quality of sustainable development-related risk management.

The rating is valid until July 2021. AK&M Rating Agency may revise the rating and/or the outlook during this period if circumstances fundamentally influencing the microfinance organization's rating are revealed.

For estimation purposes, we completely rely on the reliability of information provided by the company. The rationale for AK&M Rating Agency's judgment on the rating may include information acquired from other sources we deem to be reliable; however, the agency does not check the input data exhaustively and disclaims all responsibility for their possible errors.

This press release is based on the Statement of assigning a sustainability development rating to PJSC Rosseti and the Sustainability Development Credit Rating Methodology for Russian Corporates rev. December 2, 2019.

The credit rating, along with any information and conclusions provided in this press release, only conveys our opinion on the microfinance organization's efficiency and shall not be construed as a recommendation for investment decisions.

AK&M Rating Agency shall not be held liable for any interpretations, inferences and consequences related to the application of results of the rating estimation procedure by any third parties.

AK&M Rating Agency is a leading independent national rating agency engaged in rating activities since 1993. Contact us by phone (+7-499-132-6027, fax (+7-499-132-69-18) or visit our website at
