OJSC Tele2-Saint-Petersburgspb.tele2.ru/
OJSC Tele2-Saint-Petersburg is part of Tele2 Russia, an alternative cellular service provider. The company has the licenses required for business operations in the macroregion (the Northwest Federal district).
Rating Actions08.07.2016The rating reflects the mobile provider's ability to maintain a steady market position, stability of cash flows from operations, moderately high business profitability, acceptable current debt coverage, improvements in a variety of balance sheet and operating performance indicators.
The 12-mont23.07.2015The 'A+' rating indicates that OJSC Tele2 - Saint-Petersburg has a very high creditworthiness. The risk of a failure to meet obligations in time is insignificant. The rating assignment was based on the Credit Rating Methodology for Corporates (Issuers) and Financial Assets rev. January 23, 223.06.2014
CJSC AK&M Rating Agency affirmed the national scale credit rating of OJSC Tele2-Saint-Petersburg at 'A+'. The outlook is stable.
The 'A+' rating indicates that the Company is highly creditworthy. Risk of a failure to meet obligations in time is insignificant.
OJSC Tele229.07.2013The ‘A+’ rating indicates a high credit standing of the Company. Risk of a delay in meeting liabilities is insignificant.
OJSC Tele2-Saint-Petersburg is one of the backbone structural units of Tele2 Russia, the fourth largest Russian mobile operator owned since April 2013 by VTB Group w04.05.2012The ‘A+’ rating indicates high credit capacity of the Company. Risk of a delay in meeting liabilities is insignificant.
The company has been active as an independent legal entity since 1992 primarily focusing on providing telecommunication and telematic services in the presence regions. 25.03.2011
AK&M Rating Agency assigned the ‘A+’ (stable outlook) credit rating to OJSC Tele2-St. Petersburg as per the national scale. The ‘A+’ rating qualifies OJSC Tele2-St. Petersburg as a highly reliable borrower. Risk of a delay in meeting liabilities is insignificant.