Insurance Stock Company Ingvar

Rating Actions

AK&M Rating Agency has affirmed the reliability rating assigned to Insurance Stock Company Ingvar at 'B+', revising the outlook on the rating from positive to stable, and withdrew the rating due to the Client's refusal to have the rating monitore
The 'B+' rating indicates that the rated entity qualifies as an acceptably reliable company. The full or partial default risk is low. Insurance Stock Company Ingvar has been operating in the market of insurance services since 1993. The company is a niche market player primarily focused on c03.02.2015
CJSC AK&M Rating Agency assigned a 'B+' reliability rating on the national scale to Insurance Stock Company Ingvar, with a positive outlook.
The 'B+' rating indicates that the rated entity qualifies as an acceptably reliable insurance company. The full or partial default risk is low. Insurance Stock Company Ingvar (license no. 0425 77 issued by the Bank of Russia on December 23, 2013) has been operating in the market of insuranc
